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Tuesday, May 18, 2010


YOU CAN'T RELY ON THIRST TO TELL YOU HOW MUCH WATER YOUR BODY REQUIRES; yet, drinking plenty of water is essential to our physical and emotional well-being, and even to our appearance. Our bodies continually lose water through sweat, tears, and urine as well as through our breath. This lost fluid must be replaced. How much is needed? Many authorities recommend drinking at least eight glasses of water everyday.
Why? Water is vital for transporting nutrients within our bodies and for removing wastes. It is necessary for regulating our temperature and lubricating our jonts. EVEN THE SMALLEST DEFICIT CAN LEAVE YOU FEELING TIRED or ILL. DEHYDRATION IS A COMMONLY OVERLOOKED CAUSE OF FATIGUE. Don't be fooled by the liquid nature of coffee and tea, caffeinated soft drinks, and alcohol; they actually contribute to dehydration. Caffeine and alcohol act as diuretics and causes the body to lose water.
In addition, YOUR SKIN NEEDS WATER TO STAY SOFT AND SUPPLE. To assist in this, moisturizers may, also, be applied to the skin. But they do not add moisture. Rather, they leave a protective coating that helps to retain the moisture already in the skin. Retaining this moisture becomes more important with age, since our skin loses some of its ability to hold water as we get older.
Unhappily, in much of the world, considerable effort is required to obtain enough pure, clean water. But it is worth the effort. By all means, drink plenty of water, and take advantage of this simple way to look and feel your best.
Have a nice day!YOU CAN'T RELY ON THIRST TO TELL YOU HOW MUCH WATER YOUR BODY REQUIRES; yet, drinking plenty of water is essential to our physical and emotional well-being, and even to our appearance. Our bodies continually lose water through sweat, tears, and urine as well as through our breath. This lost fluid must be replaced. How much is needed? Many authorities recommend drinking at least eight glasses of water everyday.
Why? Water is vital for transporting nutrients within our bodies and for removing wastes. It is necessary for regulating our temperature and lubricating our jonts. EVEN THE SMALLEST DEFICIT CAN LEAVE YOU FEELING TIRED or ILL. DEHYDRATION IS A COMMONLY OVERLOOKED CAUSE OF FATIGUE. Don't be fooled by the liquid nature of coffee and tea, caffeinated soft drinks, and alcohol; they actually contribute to dehydration. Caffeine and alcohol act as diuretics and causes the body to lose water.
In addition, YOUR SKIN NEEDS WATER TO STAY SOFT AND SUPPLE. To assist in this, moisturizers may, also, be applied to the skin. But they do not add moisture. Rather, they leave a protective coating that helps to retain the moisture already in the skin. Retaining this moisture becomes more important with age, since our skin loses some of its ability to hold water as we get older.
Unhappily, in much of the world, considerable effort is required to obtain enough pure, clean water. But it is worth the effort. By all means, drink plenty of water, and take advantage of this simple way to look and feel your best.
Have a nice day!